You may cancel at any time, with the understanding there is a full one year wait period to rejoin.

Cancelling can be done at any time. You are not locked into any contract for being in this group coaching program membership. If you do choose to cancel, all you have to do is fill out the short form by clicking the link below.


If you choose to cancel, there is a mandatory full-year wait period before you’re able to rejoin. (So whatever the month is now + add one year from today + until doors are open for enrollment.) The reason for this waiting period is to not be half-in on your commitment to yourself where you can simply stop and start, stop and start at any point. You made the decision to join. You now have this space and the support you need to grow your business AND you made the choice to pursue your dreams for a reason. 6-Figure Coaches do not stop when life gets in the way or things get tough. They choose to accept whatever comes their way and determine how to use it as the best opportunity to thrive. Give yourself the gift of looking at things and determining if it’s really worth it to put this work on hold right now after you’ve already said “yes” to your dreams and your commitment to yourself for creating the business and life you want. Or, if doubts and fears and self-sabotage is attempting to get in the way for a moment and trying to throw you off course, and really, you only need some coaching to get through it (remember, you have access to me 24/7 when you post in the FB group (openly or anonymously) – anything that comes up, tell me and I’ll coach you through it). Give yourself that gift of determining the exact reason why, and that it is worth it to you and you like your reason.  Either way, whether you stay or go – I want you to love your reason for it and I’ll support you 100%! I’m always here, cheering you on.  💛

Yes, I want to cancel